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iSAQB® FUNAR - Functional Software Architecture Certification

  • Certified Training
  • Online Training
  • Accredited

How can software architecture be designed with functions, immutable data, and combinators? Our accredited iSAQB training "FUNAR" shows you functional software architecture as an alternative to object-oriented software architecture. In contrast to OO architecture, functional software architecture is based on immutable data, algebraic abstractions, and embedded domain-specific languages. The result: Flexible and robust architectures that are simpler and easier to understand than OO and contain fewer hidden dependencies.

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iSAQB® FUNAR - Functional Software Architecture Training

Due to the increased expressiveness and abstraction possibilities in functional languages, architecture is code. The training includes hands-on exercises in which programming (in Haskell) is carried out. An introduction to Haskell is given as part of the training.

Previous knowledge of functional programming is helpful but optional. Anyone who has not yet programmed in available languages ​​or needs a quick refresher course should attend the one-day, optional preliminary course.

The training is part of the iSAQB CPSA-Advanced level of certification for software architects (CPSA-Advanced) and is based on the current ISAQB syllabus.

CPSA® FUNAR course in detail

This accredited training is based on the current iSAQB® curriculum for the iSAQB module FUNAR. Attend this training as part of the Advanced Level of the iSAQB. You can then have credit points credited (10 credit points in the competence area methodology and 20 credit points in the competence area technical competence).

iSAQB® FUNAR Certification - How it works

This iSAQB® FUNAR seminar is part of iSAQB's advanced-level program. By attending this training, you will receive ten credit points in the competence area methodology and twenty credit points in the technical competence area, which can be counted towards acquiring a Certified Professional Software Architect (CPSA) certificate.

Visit our iSAQB Certifications Overview page to gain a comprehensive understanding.


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