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Cemil Bildirici

Software Developer

Linkedin Profile
Cemil Bildirici

About Me

Hi there! I'm your friendly neighborhood software developer. As a code aficionado, I juggle with JavaScript, make Python dance, and occasionally hold deep, meaningful conversations with PHP. Endowed with a unique strain of ADHD, my mind doesn't just think outside the box, it sometimes forgets that the box even exists.

This leads me on thrilling expeditions into the outer realms of creativity, where typical ideas fear to tread. Label me crazy? Maybe. But in this line of work, a bit of craziness goes a long way. Obsession is my secret weapon, the horsepower behind my late-night coding sprees. When a challenge rears its head, I morph into a Sherlock Holmes of software, not resting until every bug is squashed, every issue resolved. I'm not all work though.

When the screens dim, you'll find me pursuing my eclectic curiosities, which range from quantum physics to why popcorn pops (spoiler: it's superheated steam). I firmly believe that boredom is merely a myth, a legend told by those who've yet to discover the joy of learning something new every day.

That's me in a nutshell. Or rather, outside of one. After all, who needs boxes?

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